Accelerating Results
You are more interesting to me than any assessment. Yet, the right assessment expands your self-awareness and accelerates results in our coaching engagement. Assessments at the outside of an engagement help us develop a common language related to your leadership development goals and aspirations. More than just interesting, I’ve chosen assessments that are highly actionable and have a direct, measurable impact on your success. Each assessment corresponds to my coaching framework for success: Feel-Think-Do.
Not just interesting - Actionable
The True tilt
Balancing your strengths for increased agility, connection and positive influence.
360 View
Helping you focus on what matters most to step into the next level of leadership.
Developing a truly cohesive team by overcoming the common dysfunctions that get in the way.
True Tilt: You're More than a Type
Understanding and learning how to balance your leadership character strengths is a key component of success. While playing to your strengths is often the focus of many coaches, I think it’s equally important to understand the downside of their overuse. In order to be agile and influential, leaders need to learn how to turn up or turn down strengths, situation by situation. Otherwise, they’re destined to overuse strengths at the expense of creating significant blind spots in their leadership capabilities. Think of it as only working the same muscles in the gym every time you workout. As a personal trainer said to me once, “being super muscular doesn’t help you when you are flat on your back on the field.” >> Read more about The True Tilt Assessment
Kolbe: Getting Past what gets in the way
A leader’s emotional intelligence, cognitive understanding, and embodied responses to challenge and stress is foundational for success. But sometimes this is not enough. I often find my clients bumping up against obstacles that impede their ability to be creative, productive, and to motivate others into action as they should.
There is a less examined part of our mind – the Conative part – which is the key to maximizing our energy and results. We all have an instinctive way that we are able to achieve with energy and focus – a flow state. This is not personality or emotion, and it’s not IQ. It’s how we move into action when we have the freedom to be ourselves. This is true success. >> Read more about Kolbe
360: gaining perspective
Receiving 360 feedback is one of the most valuable and powerful benefits in the leadership coaching process. Insights into hidden strengths and occasional blind spots form the foundation for an intentional plan for change. I use two approaches to gather 360 feedback. One approach leverages an online assessment, the Tilt365 Positive Influence Predictor. The tool provides a contextual view of your top 12 character strengths. The second approach is more bespoke. Through live interviews with 10-12 participants, I create a custom 360 report that summarizes your leadership strengths, development opportunities, and a 30-60-90 day plan. >> Read about the 360 process